Jackson Business Breakfast 2023 Presentation: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:2268d08a-b264-30ce-ad47-a88cb56e5a8c
The following are links to Internet Resources that may be of benefit to nonprofits:
- Association of Fundraising Professionals: http://www.afpnet.org/
- National Association of Charitable Gift Planners: https://charitablegiftplanners.org/
- Network for Strong Communities: http://nscnow.org/
- St. Louis Planned Giving Council: http://www.slpgc.org/
- American Council on Gift Annuties: http://www.acga-web.org/
- Guidestar: http://www.guidestar.org/
- Internal Revenue Service: http://www.irs.gov/
- Planned Giving Design Center: http://www.pgdc.com/
- Cardinals Care – St. Louis Cardinals: https://www.mlb.com/cardinals/community/grants
- Must be for a project that involves children.
- Community Foundation of the Ozarks: http://cfozarks.org/cfo-grantmaking-programs/
- Local grant opportunities.
- Federal Employees Campaign: https://www.opm.gov/combined-federal-campaign/
- Apply to be eligible for employee-designated gifts.
- Isle Casino: Community Aces: https://www.islecape.com/community-aces
- Annual contest for local grants.
- LaCroix UMC Mission Fund: https://lacroixchurch.org/
- Mini grants awarded to local charities.
- Rushing Family Trust: https://rushingmarine.com//golf/golf.html
- Proceeds from annual golf tournament.
- US Bank- Community Possible Foundation: https://www.usbank.com/community/community-possible-grant-program.aspx
- Mini grants awarded through local branches. Focus on financial empowerment.
- Walmart: http://giving.walmart.com/walmart-foundation/community-grant-program
- Each store has mini grants to award, including Sam’s club and Neighborhood Market.
- United Way of Southeast Missouri: https://www.unitedwayofsemo.org
- Topic Specific: Allstate, Mary Kay, Avon,etc.
- Search for your service keywords and foundation grants.